What is FA925?

First, let me ask you this,

When will you get tired of your manager disrespecting you?

When will you finally plan your own future rather than letting your parents decide? Did they tell you to be a doctor? A lawyer? Maybe even work in an office from 9-5?

Why did you keep quiet as your teachers told you you won’t make it? Did you believe them?

Let’s talk about how all business teachers never actually own their own business. Why is that?

No, let’s talk about why you stopped that little side hustle you were doing. Waste of potential.

The little voice in your head that tells you you’re capable of achieving more, that voice speaks what FA925 believes. We know there is more to life than the systematic trap of work and expenditures set in place so that the rich get richer and the poor stay poor.

I am urging you to make a change, join #FA925. With discipline and a desire for something better than these physically and mentally taxing jobs, you could live the dream you envision. How are you going to live the life you want working in McDonald’s just to waste your salary on liabilities? 100 hours worked just to pay for B22s, now what? You dream of looking rich while we dream of being rich. Of course if it was always your dream to work in McDonalds, be our guest. If you want more for yourself, it's time to reclaim your life, be your own boss and learn how to invest and save to create the dream life you envision.


Consider the distressing statistics on suicide rates caused by these jobs that chain us to a cycle of desperation. Every day, countless individuals endure mental and emotional burdens, struggling to make ends meet, all while their dreams remain unfulfilled. FA925 stands for a better way, a path where we liberate ourselves from the shackles of unfair wages and create a world where we are in charge of our destinies.

In this movement, we embrace the spirit of entrepreneurship, empowering ourselves to be our own boss. We envision a society where every individual has the opportunity to pursue their passions, talents, and aspirations freely. No longer shall we be cogs in the machine, but masters of our own fate. Imagine a world where creativity and innovation are cherished, where everyone's contributions are valued and rewarded fairly. FA925 is a beacon of hope, a sanctuary of inspiration, and an ecosystem that nurtures dreams and cultivates success.


Joining FA925 is more than just joining a movement; it is a show of support for those who have endured the burden of inadequate wages and stifled potential. What’s stopping you from making money? That’s right, you’re very own mindset. Have an FA925 mindset pushing forward and you will see results.

Join us, vow to stay disciplined and persevere until you reach your goal. Make a change
